Unity Додайте ворогів у 2D-платформер

Створити платформер у Unity відносно легко, але додавання функціональних ворогів може бути не таким простим.

У цій публікації я покажу, як створити 2D-платформену гру з ворожим ШІ.

Як правило, у 2D-платформерах гравець може ходити лише спереду/назад, стрибати та в деяких випадках підніматися/спускатися по сходах, якщо карта багаторівнева. Знаючи, що ми можемо використовувати модульний підхід, коли той самий контролер використовується між гравцем і ШІ.

Крок 1: Створіть сценарії

Почнемо зі створення всіх необхідних сценаріїв. Перевірте вихідний код нижче:


//Copyright @2018 sharpcoderblog.com
//You are free to use this script in free or commercial projects
//Selling the source code of this script is not allowed

using UnityEngine;

public class Ladder2D : MonoBehaviour
    Collider2D ladderCollider;
    public Vector3 boundsCenter;

    void Start()
        //t = transform;
        ladderCollider = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
        if (ladderCollider)
            ladderCollider.isTrigger = true;
            ladderCollider.gameObject.layer = 2; //Set ladder collider layer to IgnoreRaycast

    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
        if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
            if (ladderCollider)
                boundsCenter = ladderCollider.bounds.center;
            other.SendMessage("AssignLadder", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

    void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
        if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
            other.SendMessage("RemoveLadder", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);


//Copyright @2018 sharpcoderblog.com
//You are free to use this script in free or commercial projects
//Selling the source code of this script is not allowed

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerController2D : MonoBehaviour
    //Move player in 2D space
    public float maxSpeed = 2.57f;
    public float jumpHeight = 6.47f;
    public float playerHP = 100;

    public bool facingRight = true;
    public float moveDirection = 0;
    public Rigidbody2D r2d;
    public Collider2D mainCollider;
    public Vector2 playerDimensions;
    public bool isGrounded = false;
    //Check every collider except Player and Ignore Raycast
    LayerMask layerMask = ~(1 << 2 | 1 << 8); //Make sure our player has Layer 8

    public Ladder2D currentLadder;
    List<Ladder2D> allLadders = new List<Ladder2D>();
    float moveDirectionY = 0;
    float distanceFromLadder;
    public bool isAttachedToLadder = false;
    bool ladderGoingDown = false;
    //bool isMovingOnLadder = false;
    public bool canGoDownOnLadder = false;
    public bool canClimbLadder = false;

    //Bot movement directions
    public bool isBot = false;
    public float botMovement = 0;
    public float botVerticalMovement = 0;
    public bool botJump = false;
    public Transform t;
    public int selectedWeaponTmp = 0;

    float gravityScale;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        r2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        r2d.freezeRotation = true;
        mainCollider = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
        t = transform;

        gravityScale = r2d.gravityScale;
        selectedWeaponTmp = -100;

        facingRight = t.localScale.x > 0;

        //sr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
        playerDimensions = BotController2D.ColliderDimensions(GetComponent<Collider2D>());

    void OnDisable()
        r2d.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Static;
        r2d.velocity = Vector3.zero;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!isBot)
            if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) &&
                (isGrounded || r2d.velocity.x > 0.01f || isAttachedToLadder))
                moveDirection = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) ? -1 : 1;
                if (isGrounded || r2d.velocity.magnitude < 0.01f)
                    moveDirection = 0;
            if (botMovement != 0 && (isGrounded || r2d.velocity.x > 0.01f))
                moveDirection = botMovement < 0 ? -1 : 1;
                if (isGrounded || r2d.velocity.magnitude < 0.01f)
                    moveDirection = 0;

        //Change facing position
        if (moveDirection != 0)
            if (moveDirection > 0 && !facingRight)
                facingRight = true;
            if (moveDirection < 0 && facingRight)
                facingRight = false;

        if (facingRight)
            if (t.localScale.x < 0)
                t.localScale = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(t.localScale.x), t.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);
            if (t.localScale.x > 0)
                t.localScale = new Vector3(-Mathf.Abs(t.localScale.x), t.localScale.y, t.localScale.z);

        //Vector2 velocityTmp = r2d.velocity;
        bool canGoDownTmp = false;

        if (currentLadder)
            distanceFromLadder = Mathf.Abs(currentLadder.boundsCenter.x - t.position.x);
            canClimbLadder = distanceFromLadder < 0.34f;
            if (!isAttachedToLadder)
                if (canClimbLadder)
                    if (currentLadder.boundsCenter.y > t.position.y)
                        if (!isBot)
                            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
                                isAttachedToLadder = true;
                            if (botVerticalMovement > 0)
                                isAttachedToLadder = true;
                    if (currentLadder.boundsCenter.y < t.position.y)
                        if (!isBot)
                            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
                                isAttachedToLadder = true;
                            if (botVerticalMovement < 0)
                                isAttachedToLadder = true;

                        canGoDownTmp = true;

                if (isAttachedToLadder)
                    r2d.gravityScale = 0;
                    moveDirection = 0;
                    moveDirectionY = 0;
                //Make our collider trigger if we stand on top of the ladder (To prevent collision with the ground while going down)
                mainCollider.isTrigger = currentLadder.boundsCenter.y < t.position.y; 

                //Ladder movement
                if ((!isBot && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) || (isBot && botVerticalMovement > 0))
                    moveDirectionY = 3.97f;
                    ladderGoingDown = false;
                    //For sound controller
                    //isMovingOnLadder = true;
                else if ((!isBot && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) || (isBot && botVerticalMovement < 0))
                    moveDirectionY = -3.97f;
                    ladderGoingDown = true;
                    if (!mainCollider.isTrigger && isGrounded)
                        isAttachedToLadder = false;
                        mainCollider.isTrigger = false;
                        r2d.gravityScale = gravityScale;
                        moveDirectionY = 0;
                    //For sound controller
                    //isMovingOnLadder = true;
                    //isMovingOnLadder = false;
                    moveDirectionY = 0;

            if (distanceFromLadder > playerDimensions.x * 2)
        canGoDownOnLadder = canGoDownTmp;

        if (!isBot)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
            if (botJump)
                botJump = false;

        if (!isBot)
            //Weapon firing
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftControl))

    void FixedUpdate()
        Bounds colliderBounds = mainCollider.bounds;
        Vector3 groundCheckPos = colliderBounds.min + new Vector3(colliderBounds.size.x * 0.5f, 0.1f, 0);
        //Check if player is grounded
        isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheckPos, 0.25f, layerMask);

        Debug.DrawLine(groundCheckPos, groundCheckPos - new Vector3(0, 0.25f, 0), isGrounded ? Color.green : Color.red);

        //Apply player velocity
        r2d.velocity = new Vector2((moveDirection) * maxSpeed, isAttachedToLadder ? moveDirectionY : r2d.velocity.y);

    void AssignLadder(Ladder2D ladderTmp)
        currentLadder = ladderTmp;

    void RemoveLadder(Ladder2D ladderTmp)
        //print("On trigger out");
        if (currentLadder == ladderTmp)
            currentLadder = null;

            if (allLadders.Count > 0)
                currentLadder = allLadders[allLadders.Count - 1];

        if (isAttachedToLadder && !currentLadder)
            isAttachedToLadder = false;
            //r2d.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Dynamic;
            mainCollider.isTrigger = false;

            r2d.gravityScale = gravityScale;
            r2d.velocity = Vector3.zero;

            if (!ladderGoingDown)
                r2d.velocity = new Vector2(r2d.velocity.x, 1.47f);
            ladderGoingDown = false;

    public void Jump()
        if (isGrounded && !isAttachedToLadder)
            r2d.velocity = new Vector2(r2d.velocity.x, jumpHeight);
            //Tip: Play jump sound here

    public void Attack()
        print(gameObject.name + " is Attacking");

        //Tip: Write your attack function here (ex. Raycast toward the enemy to inflict the damage)


//Copyright @2018 sharpcoderblog.com
//You are free to use this script in free or commercial projects
//Selling the source code of this script is not allowed

using UnityEngine;

public class CameraFollow2D : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform target;
    public Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 2.8f, 0);
    public bool smoothFollow = true;

    Vector2 moveToPos;
    bool beginMove = false;
    float distanceTmp = 0f;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void LateUpdate()
        if (!target)

        if (smoothFollow)
            distanceTmp = ((target.position + offset) - transform.position).sqrMagnitude;
            if (beginMove)
                moveToPos = Vector3.Lerp(moveToPos, target.position + offset, Time.fixedDeltaTime * 7.75f);
                transform.position = new Vector3(moveToPos.x, moveToPos.y, -10);

                if (distanceTmp < 0.05f * 0.05f)
                    beginMove = false;
                if (distanceTmp > 0.5f * 0.5f)
                    beginMove = true;
            transform.position = new Vector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, -10);


    void StopFollowing()
        beginMove = false;


//Copyright @2018 sharpcoderblog.com
//You are free to use this script in free or commercial projects
//Selling the source code of this script is not allowed

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class BotController2D : MonoBehaviour
    //This script will handle bot control
    public enum BotType { Enemy, Friendly }
    public BotType botType = BotType.Enemy;
    public enum BotDifficulty { Easy, Medium, Hard }
    public BotDifficulty botDifficulty = BotDifficulty.Medium;
    public enum InitialState { Idle, Explore }
    public InitialState initialState = InitialState.Idle; //Should the Bot stand in place until approached or begin exploring the level right away
    public bool canJump = true; //Can this bot jump?

    public enum CurrentState { Idle, MovingLeft, MovingRight, GoinUPLadder, GoingDownLadder, Attack }
    CurrentState currentState;
    InitialState appliedState;
    PlayerController2D pc2d;
    RaycastHit2D hitLeft;
    RaycastHit2D hitRight;
    RaycastHit2D groundHit;
    Vector3 leftOrigin;
    Vector3 rightOrigin;
    float distanceLeft = -1;
    float distanceRight = -1;

    int encounteredLadders = 0;
    int encounteredLaddersCacche = 0;
    Ladder2D previousLadder;
    Ladder2D lastAttachedLadder;
    bool previousCanGoDownOnLadder = false;
    bool previousCanClimbLadder = false;

    //Everything except "Player" and "IgnoreRaycast" layers
    LayerMask layerMask = ~(1 << 2 | 1 << 8);
    //Only "Player" layer
    LayerMask playerLayerMask = 1 << 8;

    float timeMotionless = 0.0f;
    bool statePause = false;

    float trVelocity;
    Vector3 previousPos;

    Collider2D[] detectedPlayers = new Collider2D[0];
    Collider2D[] previousDetectedPlayers = new Collider2D[0];
    PlayerController2D enemyToFollow;
    int followPriority = 0; //0 = Easy, 1 = Medium (This player inflicted the damage)

    public Transform t;

    bool checkingTotalEnemies = false;
    bool runAway = false;

    int attackingFromLeft = 0;
    int attackingFromRight = 0;

    //Limit attack rate for easy bots
    float attackTimer = 0;
    float nextAttackTime = 0;

    Camera mainCamera;
    float cameraWidth; //Horizontal size of camera view

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        pc2d = GetComponent<PlayerController2D>();
        pc2d.isBot = true;
        t = transform;
        appliedState = initialState;

        if (Random.Range(-10, 10) > 0)
            StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));

    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        //Draw rays back and forth

        if (!mainCamera)
            mainCamera = Camera.main;
            cameraWidth = mainCamera.aspect * mainCamera.orthographicSize;

        rightOrigin = t.position + t.right * (pc2d.playerDimensions.x / 2f);
        hitRight = Physics2D.Raycast(rightOrigin, t.right, cameraWidth, layerMask);
        if (hitRight)
            Debug.DrawLine(rightOrigin, hitRight.point, Color.red);
            distanceRight = hitRight.distance;
            Debug.DrawLine(rightOrigin, rightOrigin + t.right * cameraWidth, Color.cyan);
            distanceRight = -1;

        leftOrigin = t.position - t.right * (pc2d.playerDimensions.x / 2f);
        hitLeft = Physics2D.Raycast(leftOrigin, -t.right, cameraWidth, layerMask);
        if (hitLeft)
            Debug.DrawLine(leftOrigin, hitLeft.point, Color.red);
            distanceLeft = hitLeft.distance;
            Debug.DrawLine(leftOrigin, leftOrigin - t.right * cameraWidth, Color.cyan);
            distanceLeft = -1;

        if (appliedState == InitialState.Explore)
            if (currentState == CurrentState.Idle)
                if (!statePause)
                    //Decide which direction to move
                    if (distanceRight == -1 && distanceLeft == -1)
                        //Decide random direaction
                        currentState = Random.Range(-10, 10) > 0 ? CurrentState.MovingRight : CurrentState.MovingLeft;
                    else if (distanceRight == -1 && distanceLeft >= 0)
                        currentState = CurrentState.MovingRight;
                    else if (distanceRight >= 0 && distanceLeft == -1)
                        currentState = CurrentState.MovingLeft;
                    else if (distanceRight > distanceLeft)
                        currentState = CurrentState.MovingRight;
                    else if (distanceRight < distanceLeft)
                        currentState = CurrentState.MovingLeft;
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.MovingLeft)
                if (!statePause && pc2d.isGrounded)
                    pc2d.botMovement = -1;
                    float jumpHeightTmp = pc2d.jumpHeight * 0.25f;

                    if (distanceLeft > 0 && distanceLeft < pc2d.playerDimensions.x)
                        if (hitLeft && canJump &&
                            !Physics2D.Linecast(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) - t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, layerMask) &&
                            Random.Range(-2, 10) > 0
                            if (!enemyToFollow)
                                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));

                    /*if(!Physics2D.Linecast(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) - t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2)){
                        Debug.DrawLine(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) - t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, Color.yellow);
                        Debug.DrawLine(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) - t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, Color.red);

                    //Jump if there is no groun in front
                    groundHit = Physics2D.Raycast(leftOrigin, -t.up, pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2.1f, layerMask);
                    if (groundHit)
                        Debug.DrawLine(leftOrigin, groundHit.point, Color.red);
                        Debug.DrawLine(leftOrigin, leftOrigin - t.up * (pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2.1f), Color.blue);
                        if (canJump)
                            //StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.MovingRight, true));
                            StartCoroutine(CheckEnemiesEnumerator(1, 0, false));
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.MovingRight)
                if (!statePause && pc2d.isGrounded)
                    pc2d.botMovement = 1;
                    float jumpHeightTmp = pc2d.jumpHeight * 0.25f;

                    if (distanceRight > 0 && distanceRight < pc2d.playerDimensions.x)
                        if (hitRight && canJump &&
                            !Physics2D.Linecast(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) + t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, layerMask) &&
                            Random.Range(-2, 10) > 0
                            if (!enemyToFollow)
                                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));

                    /*if (!Physics2D.Linecast(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) + t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2))
                        Debug.DrawLine(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) + t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, Color.yellow);
                        Debug.DrawLine(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) + t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, Color.red);

                    //Jump if there is no groun in front
                    groundHit = Physics2D.Raycast(rightOrigin, -t.up, pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2.1f, layerMask);
                    if (groundHit)
                        Debug.DrawLine(rightOrigin, groundHit.point, Color.red);
                        Debug.DrawLine(rightOrigin, rightOrigin - t.up * (pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2.1f), Color.blue);
                        if (canJump)
                            //StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.MovingLeft, true));
                            StartCoroutine(CheckEnemiesEnumerator(0, 1, false));
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.GoinUPLadder)
                if (!statePause)
                    pc2d.botVerticalMovement = 1;
                    if (!pc2d.currentLadder)
                        StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.GoingDownLadder)
                if (!statePause)
                    pc2d.botVerticalMovement = -1;
                    if (!pc2d.currentLadder)
                        StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.Attack)
                if (!statePause)
                    if (!enemyToFollow)
                        StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));
                        //Firing weapon
                        if (attackTimer >= nextAttackTime)
                            //Check if player is above us and jump
                            if (enemyToFollow.t.position.y > t.position.y && enemyToFollow.t.position.y - t.position.y > pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 0.95f)
                                if (Random.Range(-5, 10) > 0)


                            if (botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Easy)
                                attackTimer = 0;
                                nextAttackTime = Random.Range(0.25f, 0.95f);
                            if (botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Medium)
                                attackTimer = 0;
                                nextAttackTime = Random.Range(0.01f, 0.37f);
                            if (botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Hard)
                                attackTimer = 0;
                                nextAttackTime = Random.Range(0.01f, 0.24f);
                            attackTimer += Time.deltaTime;

                        if (enemyToFollow && !checkingTotalEnemies)
                            if (enemyToFollow.t.position.x > t.position.x && !pc2d.facingRight)
                                pc2d.facingRight = true;
                            if (enemyToFollow.t.position.x < t.position.x && pc2d.facingRight)
                                pc2d.facingRight = false;

                            attackingFromLeft = 0;
                            attackingFromRight = 0;

                            //Check if there too many player attacking us and run away
                            for (int i = 0; i < detectedPlayers.Length; i++)
                                if (detectedPlayers[i])
                                    BotController2D bcTmp = detectedPlayers[i].GetComponent<BotController2D>();
                                    if (bcTmp && bcTmp.botType != botType && bcTmp.enemyToFollow == pc2d && bcTmp.currentState == CurrentState.Attack)
                                        if (bcTmp.t.position.x > t.position.x)

                            //If the value playerHP from PlayerController2D get too low, and the bot is being attacked, increase the probability to run away
                            if (attackingFromRight >= 2 || attackingFromLeft >= 2 || (pc2d.playerHP < 70 && botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Hard && (attackingFromRight > 0 || attackingFromLeft > 0)) || (pc2d.playerHP < 40 && botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Medium && (attackingFromRight > 0 || attackingFromLeft > 0)))
                                StartCoroutine(CheckEnemiesEnumerator(attackingFromLeft, attackingFromRight, false));

        if (pc2d.currentLadder && (previousLadder != pc2d.currentLadder || previousCanGoDownOnLadder != pc2d.canGoDownOnLadder || previousCanClimbLadder != pc2d.canClimbLadder))
            previousLadder = pc2d.currentLadder;
            previousCanGoDownOnLadder = pc2d.canGoDownOnLadder;
            previousCanClimbLadder = pc2d.canClimbLadder;

            if (!pc2d.isAttachedToLadder)
                if (pc2d.canClimbLadder)

                    if ((lastAttachedLadder != pc2d.currentLadder || encounteredLadders > 1) && !statePause)
                        if (Random.Range(-10, 10) > 0)
                            if (pc2d.canGoDownOnLadder)
                                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.GoingDownLadder, true));
                                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.GoinUPLadder, true));
                encounteredLadders = 0;
                lastAttachedLadder = pc2d.currentLadder;

        trVelocity = ((t.position - previousPos).magnitude) / Time.deltaTime;
        previousPos = t.position;

        if (trVelocity < 0.01f && !statePause)
            timeMotionless += Time.deltaTime;

            if (timeMotionless > 0.5f)
                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));
            timeMotionless = 0;

        //Detect and attack enemy players
        detectedPlayers = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(t.position, cameraWidth, playerLayerMask);

        if (!enemyToFollow)
            if (!runAway)
                if (previousDetectedPlayers.Length != detectedPlayers.Length || (previousDetectedPlayers.Length > 0 && detectedPlayers.Length > 0 && previousDetectedPlayers[0] != detectedPlayers[0]))
                    previousDetectedPlayers = detectedPlayers;

                    for (int i = 0; i < detectedPlayers.Length; i++)
                        BotController2D bcTmp = detectedPlayers[i].GetComponent<BotController2D>();
                        PlayerController2D pc2dTmp = null;
                        if (!bcTmp)
                            pc2dTmp = detectedPlayers[i].GetComponent<PlayerController2D>();
                        if ((pc2dTmp && botType == BotType.Enemy) || (bcTmp && bcTmp.botType != botType))
                            Vector3 enemyPos = bcTmp ? bcTmp.t.position : pc2dTmp.t.position;
                            float yDistance = Mathf.Abs(enemyPos.y - t.position.y);
                            if (yDistance < pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2)
                                if (!enemyToFollow || Mathf.Abs(enemyPos.x - t.position.x) < Mathf.Abs(enemyToFollow.t.position.x - t.position.x))
                                    enemyToFollow = bcTmp ? bcTmp.pc2d : pc2dTmp;
                                    appliedState = InitialState.Explore;

            float yDistance = enemyToFollow.t.position.y - t.position.y;
            float xDistance = enemyToFollow.t.position.x - t.position.x;
            if (Mathf.Abs(yDistance) >= pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2 || Mathf.Abs(xDistance) > cameraWidth || !enemyToFollow.enabled)
                enemyToFollow = null;
                if (Mathf.Abs(xDistance) > pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 1.45f)
                    if (!statePause && pc2d.botVerticalMovement == 0)
                        if (xDistance > 0)
                            if (currentState != CurrentState.MovingRight)
                                statePauseCoroutine = StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.MovingRight, false));
                        else if (xDistance < 0)
                            if (currentState != CurrentState.MovingLeft)
                                statePauseCoroutine = StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.MovingLeft, false));
                    if (pc2d.botVerticalMovement == 0)
                        if (currentState != CurrentState.Attack)
                            if (!statePause)
                                statePauseCoroutine = StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Attack, true));
                            if (Mathf.Abs(xDistance) < pc2d.playerDimensions.x / 3 && !checkingTotalEnemies)
                                //print("Enemies are too close!!!");
                                StartCoroutine(CheckEnemiesEnumerator(attackingFromLeft, attackingFromRight, true));

    Coroutine statePauseCoroutine = null;

    void StopPauseCoroutine()
        if (statePauseCoroutine != null)
            statePauseCoroutine = null;
            statePause = false;

    IEnumerator StatePause(CurrentState newState, bool stopMovement)
        //print("State pause");
        statePause = true;
        if (stopMovement)
            pc2d.botMovement = 0;
            pc2d.botVerticalMovement = 0;
        currentState = newState;

        if (newState == CurrentState.Attack && botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Hard)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.15f, 0.45f));
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.45f, 0.75f));

        statePause = false;

    IEnumerator DoJump()
        //print("Do jump");
        statePause = true;
        pc2d.botJump = true;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.65f);

        statePause = false;

    IEnumerator CheckEnemiesEnumerator(int attackingFromLeft, int attackingFromRight, bool doNotRunAway)
        checkingTotalEnemies = true;

        //print("CHECKING FOR TOTAL ENEMIES");

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.27f, 0.75f));

        if (Random.Range(-10, 10) > 0)
            runAway = true;
            enemyToFollow = null;

            if (attackingFromLeft > attackingFromRight)
                currentState = CurrentState.MovingRight;
                currentState = CurrentState.MovingLeft;

        checkingTotalEnemies = false;

        if (runAway)
            if (doNotRunAway)
                //Simply walk away a bit
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.37f, 0.75f));
                //Run away
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(1.57f, 2.45f));

            runAway = false;

    public static Vector2 ColliderDimensions(Collider2D sp)
        return new Vector2(sp.bounds.max.x - sp.bounds.min.x, sp.bounds.max.y - sp.bounds.min.y);

Крок 2: Налаштуйте гравця та ворогів

Тепер настав час налаштувати нашого гравця та ворожий штучний інтелект за допомогою наведених вище сценаріїв.

Налаштування нашого екземпляра Player

  • Створіть новий GameObject і назвіть його "Player"
  • Змініть тег цього об’єкта на "Player"
  • Змініть шар об’єкта на 8 (якщо серед виділення немає шару 8, додайте його, натиснувши «Додати шар...», назвіть його "Player")
  • Створіть інший GameObject, назвіть його "Body" і додайте компонент SpriteRenderer
  • Призначте спрайт гравця "Body" і перемістіть його всередину об’єкта "Player"
  • Виберіть об’єкт "Player" і додайте компоненти CapsuleCollider2D, Rigidbody2D і PlayerController2D
  • Масштабуйте CapsuleCollider2D, поки він не підійде до Sprite гравця

Як ви бачите, у PlayerController2D є кілька змінних, більшість із них не мають пояснень, проте одна з них потребує невеликого пояснення:

PlayerHP - це значення використовується в BotController2D, щоб вирішити, чи повинен AI тікати, коли його HP занадто низький.

Використовуйте змінну PlayerHP під час реалізації функції атаки (перевірте void Attack() у кінці сценарію PlayerController2D.cs).

Налаштування камери плеєра

  • Виберіть головну камеру та додайте компонент CameraFollow2D
  • Призначте гравця змінній Target
  • За бажанням ви можете налаштувати змінну Offset (якщо ви не хочете, щоб камера була центрована точно посередині)

Встановлення драбини

PlayerController2D також підтримує підйомні сходи.

Встановити нову драбину дуже просто:

  • Створіть новий GameObject і назвіть його "Ladder"
  • Змініть його шар на "IgnoreRaycast"
  • Створіть ще один ігровий об’єкт за допомогою SpriteRenderer, призначте спрайт своєї драбини та перемістіть його всередину об’єкта Ladder
  • Додайте компоненти BoxCollider2D і Ladder2D до об’єкта "Ladder"
  • Змініть розміри колайдера, щоб вони відповідали сходовому спрайту, і позначте його як тригер

Налаштування ШІ противника

  • Спочатку перейдіть на панель Physics2D і вимкніть зіткнення між шаром гравця, щоб боти та гравці не застрягли один від одного.

  • Скопіюйте екземпляр Player
  • Додайте компонент BotController2D
  • Тепер бот готовий

Властивості 2D Bot AI

Перегляньте відео нижче, щоб побачити ворожий AI у дії (білий екземпляр — це наш гравець, червоні екземпляри контролюються ШІ):

Sharp Coder Відеоплеєр

2DEnemyAI.unitypackage40.49 KB